This is the second part of a series proposing a Manifesto for Service Management Agility. It draws upon the Manifesto for Agile Software Development and proposes a modified version of that manifesto’s propositions, based on the issues characterizing the management of services. In this installation, I will discuss the third proposition, “Customer collaboration over contract […]
A Manifesto for Service Management Agility—Part I
The Agile Manifesto has borne not just fruit, but complete orchards and plantations. But as we know, that document intended to be a manifesto for agile software development. Let us examine how that manifesto may be adapted for service management. What would a Manifesto for Service Management Agility be?1 The Manifesto for Agile Software Development […]
If you don’t have time for kanban training, you need kanban training
I recently asked people why they do not take kanban training. Many of them said they simply don’t have the time for it. Well, that is a strong indicator that they really need to use a time-saving method like kanban. Let me explain why you truly do have the time for kanban training and why […]